Our core mission has always been to create jobs to stimulate and improve the living standards in our community. This is why whatever decision we take, we make sure it help us in achieving this goal. We want to increase our yield tonnage every year by at least 50% more of the previous harvest, and we believe we can achieve this by improving upon our current farming practices.
To get the results needed on our farms, we have designed an integrated irrigation system that will help stimulate the growth of our fruits and increase our yields. This new system will also help us in achieving our goal of creating jobs, by employing a technical staff with quantitative knowledge of tree water requirements and relationships among soil, water, weather and plant characteristics for proper irrigation scheduling and management.
This expertise is needed to understand the critical period of irrigation requirements and required quantities of water in line with the tree growth cycles. It is essential that our trees receive enough water after harvesting up to flushing maturity and flowering of the trees up to fruit maturity, to ensure good soil health.
Properly irrigated trees have fruits of better size and juicier than those trees with soil moisture deficit. This is why it is essential for us to have an integrated irrigation system backed by a renewable energy source. Our irrigation system is designed to deliver the seasonal and peak water requirements throughout the lifespan of the irrigation system. This design, will predominantly have a high flow water harvesting, to service the cropping areas, using efficient lifter pumps that will improve water management and nutrient efficiencies of the soil and of the fruits.
We experience 2 seasons of rains every year. These rains in the past have been more than enough to sustain the mango farm but due to climate change, the rains are now very unpredictable and inconsistent. Apart from watering the trees, clean water is also needed for spraying of foliar fertilizers, organic insecticides and pesticides and cleaning of farm tools, which is costly.
Because of the uncertainties of climate in this region, is the reason why we have designed this elaborate irrigation system. A strategy, that will give us a competitive advantage during the lean seasons, by enabling us control our harvest, sustain our farm and correspondingly, increase the yield of mangoes in our farm.
The conceptional irrigation system design for Desedem farms will have a combination of bore holes, reservoirs, automatic sprinkler, a purification system and a solar powered pump. This will ensure that uncontaminated water will be available all year round for farming and non-farming activities.
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